(Sadly, CADET is now Out of Print, so if you manage to find a copy, snag it!!! Though I do believe it's still available via e-book.!) It reminded me of two of my favorite series, The Song of the Lioness (aka the "Alanna" series) and the Protector of the Small (aka the "Kel" series), both by Tamora Pierce, and I wanted more, more, more. While that book stands alone, it could easily have become a series and I wish there were more books. In early 2013, the book debuted and I reviewed it. In 2012, I helped reveal the cover of her debut novel, THE CADET OF TILDOR, and was on her Street Team. I am crazy excited to talk about one of today's brand new releases with you! AIR AND ASH is Alex Lidell's second published book. When I found out that she was publishing a new book, I was REALLY excited.